Other Vision Studios

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Friday Writings 1 - Eden

This year I’ve committed to writing each Friday, and as part of that I’m going to share some of my writings on my blog in order to let everyone know what I’m working on, get feedback on my work, and gage interest in making these films come to life. So feel free to add comments (good or bad) and drop any ideas or suggestions here. I look forward to having you all on this journey with me!

For this first Friday writing I’m sharing an excerpt from Eden, an adapted screenplay based on Mark Twain’s “The Diary of Adam” and “ The Diary of Eve.” The idea is to create a modern love story between two newlyweds based on the creative genius of Mark Twain.

Did you like it? Did you hate it? Should I keep writing it? Should I produce it? Let me know in the comments. Thank you for reading!